Monday, March 12, 12:30 p.m., San Juan Island Library

— from Hayley Day for League of Women Voters —

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans will host an informative meeting on threats to the future of the Salish Sea and efforts to protect it at 12:30 p.m.Monday, March 12 at the San Juan Island Library in Friday Harbor. Lovel Pratt, Marine Protection Program director of Friends of the San Juans, will be the presenter. Learn about current issues in the marine waters surrounding San Juan County, including:

  • Vessel traffic
  • Net pens
  • Impacts to the Southern resident killer whales
  • Shoreline impacts to forage fish spawning beaches and native salmon habitat
  • Pollution sources

For more information, like @LWVSanJuans on Facebook.