The Friday Harbor Branch of the Lutheran Church in the San Juan Islands  invites women from all three Branches of the Lutheran Church to participate in a one-day Retreat on Tuesday, April 28.

The Ferry Schedule determines the boundaries for the agenda. Sharon Kick of San Juan Island says, “We have asked our friend, The Rev. Nancy Tiederman, retired priest from St. David’s Episcopal Church in Friday Harbor, to lead our Retreat.  Nancy has participated with us in educational programs over the past several years.  Our theme for the day is “A Quiet Circle of Abiding in the Presence of God.”

The program is simple.   You will arrive at about 12:00.  We will spend 15 minutes greeting each other and getting settled.  Then we plan on singing a hymn, saying Grace, and serving a salad lunch.  At about 12:45 Nancy will start her program.  There will be a break in mid-afternoon for coffee and cookies.  Nancy will end the program with a hymn at 4:30.  Those catching the ferry will have to depart no later than 4:45.  You will have a picnic sandwich and fruit dinner for the return ferry trip.

All island women are welcome to attend.

For questions please call or email Laura Long, phone:
378-4265 or email: