Jaen Black, Orcas author, musician and entertainer

Jaen Black, Orcas author, musician and entertainer

The Lower Tavern has changed its Tuesday night open mic format, Music Coordinator and local entertainer Jaen Black announced recently.

Starting this month, the music will start at 5:30 p.m. during happy hour and feature players “who could bring a nice background sound to folks trying to eat a little supper.”

After the dinner hour clears away, “we will pump up the volume as needed…so, would like to invite solo artists acoustically oriented to come by and play a few songs…this is a great opportunity for people to throw some of their stuff before the public, ” say Black.

“The Lower has been so supportive of the music community, and they need our help right now too to keep being able to justify continuing open mic…
while we appreciate people bringing their own equipment, the lower has a nice little sound system, a couple of acoustic guitars, and I generally bring drums and an electric bass that people can play,” says Black.

In addition, Randy Smith will be hosting open mic for a time, beginning October 27th.  Black says, “For those who know him, he is a fabulous acoustic electric guitar player and bass player who is one of the most entertaining solo guitarists I have ever witnessed.”

Black adds, “For those of you who don’t play, PLEASE drop by and support your local tavern’s efforts to bring local entertainment for you to enjoy.”