Two Islands – One Goal!

[Editor’s note: The combined Orcas Vikings and Lopez Lobos football team, under head coach Justin Frauston ( ) is a tribute to our school districts and to our county families who find a way to make a challenge into an achievement and a celebration. At home and away, the Vikings Football team represents us islanders well!]

— from Justin Paulsen for the Orcas Boosters Club —

Historic shirt now available, until Oct. 11

Historic shirt now available, until Oct. 11

Congratulations to Vinny Kramer- one of the great football players from Lopez on our Viking team- for being selected WIAA 2B player of the week in Football. Vinny and all of the players from Lopez are excellent examples of dedication, hard work and sacrifice. They make the long trek daily to practice on Orcas and each weekend set school colors aside in the name of playing for the team. We are proud to call them Vikings and especially proud of Vinny’s accomplishments on both sides of the ball!

Do you want to commemorate this years historical joining of the Orcas and Lopez football team?

Well here’s your chance! Beth Nichols Holmes has put together a Customink design that can be ordered directly. This is not a fund-raiser, just a chance to show our unity and own a piece of history. Each shirt is customized with your name and custom number! Choose your favorite player or be a proud #12 as a fan of them all!

To order, go to

The order time closes October 11th, so if you want one… Get on it! And Go Orcas AND Lopez!

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