Contributed by Fiona Norris, Science Director, San Juan Nature Institute

San Juan Nature Institute has invited Dr. Fred Rhoades to present a field workshop on lichens on Saturday April 17, 2010 on Lopez Island.

The workshop, “Lichens of Lopez” will begin at 10:30 a.m. with an introduction to lichens in the science lab at Lopez High School. Then, participants will carpool to Pt Colville for a brown bag lunch and field studies.

We will return to the school by 4:30 p.m.  Cost per person is $40.  Copies of Dr Rhoades’ book Lichens of Lopez will be on sale for $15 each. This book is recommended reference for this course and further study of this important element of our island ecosystems.

San Juan Nature Institute is an approved provider of clock hours and 5.5 educator hours are available for this workshop. Due to the sensitive nature of the area, we are limiting this workshop to 10 participants. Please register early to secure a place.

Lichens are a conspicuous component of our wildscapes clothing rocks and trees with strange colors and textures. This workshop will reveal the beauty of these fascinating cryptogams and explain their biology and ecology.  Participants will use the recommended reference written by our instructor to identify specimens.

Dr Rhoades is a biologist specializing in the ‘nonvascular cryptogams and other low life’  including lichens, mosses and fungi.  His slide shows are famous and his enthusiasm for these important elements of our flora is infectious.

Participants may purchase copies of Lichens of Lopez for an additional $15. Registration is essential and we require a minimum of 10 participants. Please register on line at, or by calling 360-378-3646. Payment by check payable to San Juan Nature Institute or by credit card (please call to provide details).