Sunday, July 8, 5 – 7:30 p.m. Village Green Stage

— from Bob Phalan for Orcas Rising —

You know how this goes: One musicians calls another so they get together to play and one of them brings another musician. Then next time, they have each called other musicians they know. Do that often enough and Bingo! they’re doing a show at Orcas Center.

This note-happy group had so much fun (“fantastic,” they say) doing Orcas Center, they wanted to do it again, to share their music with and for each other and invite their island community to share. Orcas Rising is coming to the stage at the Village Green on Sunday, July 8 from 5 – 7:30 p.m.

So here they are —new and improved. There will be a living room scene on stage as Orcas Rising mixes and matches their skills to create a welcoming evening of music.
Orcas Rising musicians include:
  • Alva Arguello
  • Armondo Arguello
  • Bob Phalan
  • Carl Berger
  • Corey Wiscomb
  • Danny Herasymchuck
  • Dave Roseberry
  • Jerry Eisner
  • Kate Wlaysewski
  • Marje Franke
  • Martin Lund
  • Mary Wachter
  • Megan Stocklin
  • Michael Hurwicz
  • Mike Speece
  • Randy Jezierski
  • Robert Decker
  • Sharon Abreu
  • Tish Knapp

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