Much to the surprise, and perhaps consternation of many in the community, a local group has formed to increase tourist activities on Orcas Island.

“I mean, really, what is there to do on Orcas once you get here,” says one of the active instigators, “other than walk around and spend money. “

The group, which goes by the name of Orcas Bridge Brigade (OBB), has been gathering in masked secrecy for most of the last two years to develop a fool-proof plan to “bridge the gaps” of tourist activity. And it all brilliantly hinges on foot bridges.

The probable impetus for this new group grew in stature and excitement when local Doe Bay residents were able to construct a bridge after a road washout in 2021. “It was a proof of concept,” and members of the Brigade were able to witness that their dream was, indeed, a possibility.

The eventual plan calls for wooden footbridges from peak to peak around Orcas, eventually culminating in an exciting, mammoth footbridge from Orcas Village to Olga (and back again). The newest addition to the possible add-ons, which would normally mean novelty shops, was the realization of the group that they could hire EMTs who are currently without an assignment, to staff first aid stations at each end of the bridge, along with a rescue unit which will be based below the structure.

The group apologizes for not having a detailed plan to release to the populace at this time. They have no money and have not been able to hire an architect for official drawings, but feel that the concept is exciting enough to launch from just a napkin drawing, or, as depicted above, from a quick online graphic.

Although comments will not be solicited at this time (these OBB members are acutely aware, they stress, that soliciting comments from the public always makes a project more complicated), funds are needed, of course, and donations are welcome.

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