—  by David Turnoy —

The San Juan County Democratic Party had its biennial reorganization meeting on Saturday, January 14, in Friday Harbor. Many of our Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) had been elected in the primary last August, and they were on the hotseat to elect new officers for the local party. David Dehlendorf of San Juan Island had served as chair for the past three years, and he did an excellent job building up the number of participants in our local party. I ran for the chair position unopposed, and not unsurprisingly I was elected (David Turnoy of Orcas Island). My main reason for running is to try to improve the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren, which requires a more progressive path for the Democrats.

It is clear that the time has come for a new direction in the Democratic Party. Many people no longer see us as the party of the people, which is what we aim to be. It is clear from the caucuses last year that our locals who consider themselves Democrats and came out to participate also favor a more progressive direction. To that end we elected two very progressive younger people, Learner Limbach and Natasha Frey, for the positions of state committee man and woman. These two, along with their counterparts from all around the state, will be meeting in Olympia at the end of the month, and they will have the chance to elect a more progressive state chair, Tina Podlodowski, who recently ran for Secretary of State.

Change is in the air, and if you want to be part of a more progressive Democratic Party, I urge you to get involved. We are planning issue-related action teams at the next meeting, which will be in Friday Harbor on February 4. We had begun this process at a special meeting in December, and we will conclude the planning stage at the next meeting and get busy doing concrete actions to improve the political process.

For instance, we are working on a plan to end the Electoral College, and there is a method to do so without needing a constitutional amendment. We are also looking to take back the state senate, which we can do by helping the candidate in a special election later this year; if we are successful, both houses will have Democratic majorities, and we can actually pass progressive legislation. And, brace yourselves now, we might even be able to fully fund our schools. If you are interested in being part of the change we need, contact me either at 376-4165 or davidgeri@centurylink.net.