Opening Reception Friday, Sept. 4 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

— from Michael Yeaman —

Jan Maddill and Michael Yeaman are the featured artists for the Orcas Center in September

Jan Madill and Michael Yeaman are the featured artists for the Orcas Center in September

Jan Madill and Michael Yeaman will have an art show entitled “Light and Shadow” at the Orcas Center during the month of September, with an opening reception on Friday the 4th from 5 to 6:30pm.

Jan and Michael’s explorations in art have led them deep underground and to the far reaches of the universe. They have now returned to earth and finished geology-inspired works in paint and stone for the show. In addition, Jan will display one of her five interconnected series inspired by Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow alongside collaborative poetry by Connee Pike, and Michael will unveil three new stone, glass and light pieces to celebrate the International Year of Light.

Jan is inspired by nature, dance, music and poetry. She primarily paints and draws with an exploratory dancing and gestural approach. Color discoveries play an important role in her work. She finished her senior thesis in painting at Pacific NW College of Art in Portland OR in 2008 and has been painting fulltime with many solo, two-person and group shows.

Michael’s study of Deep Time led him to degrees in geology and geophysics. Only later did he begin to appreciate the beautiful aesthetics of sculpted stone. He started sculpting in 2005, gradually developing an understanding of how the science and art of stone can be combined to produce sensual three-dimensional objects of intrigue. He focuses on geometric abstract forms created from geologically remarkable rock.