— by Margie Doyle —

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Life is good on Orcas Island, and one of the reasons is we grow life! From crops to kids, our re-generation was apparent at the Fall Farm Tour this past Sunday on Orcas.

At West Beach Farm, visitors trapised past three little pink pigs. Then they could watch sheep submitted to shearing by Kathy Morris, with an occasional bleating “baa-aa-aa” for commentary.

And at Coffelt’s Land Bank farm, Charly Robinson led a small army from the hen house to the pig grounds to the heifer paddock to the sheep breeding grounds (no action sighted), before reconvening to press apples and drink delicious cider.

A good time was had by all. Other farms and businesses participating in the tour included Morningstar Farm, Warm Valley Farm, Red Rabbit Farm, Orcas Moon Farm, Kai Dawg Farm, Girl Meets Dirt, Smith and Speed Merchantile, Buck Bay Shellfish Farm, Doe Bay Garden at Doe Bay Resort, Taproot Farm, and Orcas Farm.