Kids going into 3rd grade and above are invited to sign up for a special tour of the Journey Stories exhibit at the Orcas Island Historical Museum on Wednesday, July 28th, beginning at 10:00 a.m.  Museum staff and volunteers will explain the exhibits and answer children’s questions.  Advance sign up at the Library is required, and there is no charge for the tour.  Meet at the Library at 9:45 a.m., and we will walk down to the Museum for the tour.

Journey Stories is an exhibit focusing on why people decided to move and how they made those moves.   Connections are made between modes of transportation and  Americans’ sense of wanting the freedom to move.  Journey Stories is a special traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution.

For more information about the tour, please contact Nita Couchman, Children’s Librarian, at 376-4985.