Johnny Moses (Whis-stem-men-knee: ‘walking medicine robe’) is returning to Orcas Island after a lengthy hiatus. Orcas audiences first met Johnny in a storytelling event at the Odd Fellows over thirty years ago. His wit and wisdom has continued to endear him to local audiences of all ages over subsequent visits.

The Orcas Public Library (500 Rose Street) will host him December 5 at 1 p.m., in partnership with the Orcas Island Historical Museums. All are welcome. The event is free of charge.

As a member of the Tulalip Tribe, Whis-stem-men-knee’s role as a carrier of Northwest Indigenous cultural tradition is recognized by many institutions worldwide, including the Smithsonian Museums.

From early childhood, his elders sent him to live with relatives on Vancouver Island and elsewhere on the coast of Washington State. He was an avid student, and quickly memorized the family stories and genealogies while learning to speak eight traditional languages. He also carries the healing ceremonies and traditions of Si.Si.Wiss, represented by the work of The Red Cedar Circle.

His storytelling gifts have brought him widespread acclaim. With a lineage that includes ancestors who once called the San Juan islands their home, Johnny’s presence here has special meaning for all of us, and the Library and Historical Museums look forward to welcoming him.


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