— from Sandra Wilson —

It is becoming more and more clear that the Grand Opening was just the beginning of the changes that will be happening this coming year at the expanded Library. Fourteen Hundred People (!!) were at the Grand Opening to see the nearly finished and fully functioning library for themselves. Adjustments will be made as we learn just how the new and old spaces will be utilized, how the book sales will be handled in the Friends Corner, what the usage will be after school starts and many more unknowns.

We do know that the “old” front desk will have a new home with the Exchange. Along with the desk will be some shelving that is now being stored in the Meeting Room. We know the door count is significantly up, and that this year the Library will be focusing on landscaping and programs.

I hope August 12 is already tagged on your calendar as the day the Friends have our annual Library Fair. It will be held on the Library grounds from 10 – 3. As usual, you can expect thousands of good quality donated books to be arranged by categories and sold for minimum prices. It will be an event for perusing books, for meeting neighbors, for listening to music and stories, for enjoying vendors and food. We hope to see you there.

In October, the Friends will host their first Annual Membership meeting in the new library. More information will be shared as we get closer to that month. Everyone who is a Friend of the Library is invited to a short business meeting and then a guest speaker.