On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 10:30 am, the Orcas Island and Lopez Island Garden Clubs present Kristy Bredin who will speak about Wild Plants of the Field, Forest, and Sea: Medicinal Plants of the San Juans. This Zoom presentation will be provided by the Orcas Island Library using this Zoom link.

Kristy will discuss some wild plants found in the San Juans and their medicinal uses. Plants may be found in the field, forest, and sea, as well as in your own garden.

Kristy Bredin began her journey as an herbalist in 2009, when she began a two-year apprenticeship with herbalist Robin Rose Bennett in New York. For the past decade she has worked with Ryan Drum, wildcrafting medicinal herbs and cultivating an in-depth knowledge of traditional Western herbalism and local plants and seaweeds. Since 2013 she has been sharing plant remedies of the PNW through Mermaid Botanicals.

Kristy practices as an herbalist on Orcas Island, and is passionate about exploring the natural world and working with wild plants in ancient and creative ways.

Visit our OIGC Webpage at www.orcasislandgardenclub.org.

A garden is a friend you can visit any time.

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