— from Phil Heikkinen —

Rescheduled: spraying of foam insulation from February 13 to 15/16: building closure on the 13th and possibly longer.

As part of the Orcas Island Library’s building expansion project, contractors will be spraying foam insulation beginning on Monday, February 13. They hope to complete the process by the 15th, though it is possible that the work will continue until the 16th.

Although the spraying will be within the new addition, some fumes may be released. Therefore, in an effort to be cautious, the Library will be closed on the 13th. At that time, we will evaluate what impacts there are and whether we will be able to open during subsequent days of spraying.

We will share an update as soon as possible on the 13th. Even if we are able to open the Library, we want to make sure that anyone who is chemically sensitive is aware of this activity in case it is necessary to limit their time spent at the Library.

Thanks for your patience!