Saturday, August 12, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Sandra Wilson for the Friends of the Orcas Island Library —

Hopefully you have already Saved the Date on your calendar and in your mind so that you are free to attend this year’s Library Fair on Saturday the 12th of August. It will be held on the Library Grounds from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Friends of the Library organizers are excited to be putting on the Fair at the expanded facilities now open and functioning. Yes, this is a Library Fair with Extension…

If you have attended before, you know to expect table after table of books grouped according to category and for sale at our special prices. Winter is coming and probably includes good reading by the fireplace during the darkened evenings. Come get your supply of material to enjoy as you read for pleasure, for learning, or both.

The books you will be sorting through have been collected – from Islanders – by Friends of the Library. They have been culled, sorted, boxed, and stored just for this day. By now they are old friends and we happily anticipate an event that will take them from one home, through the library, and then to your home. The intention of the people who do all of this is to present only books that you would be happy to own. There are different places for books that are accidentally donated that are outdated, filled in, or heavily marked. This way, you know you will have good second-hand books ready to be enjoyed.

As if the plethora of books is not enough, the Library Fair will have vendors and music and story telling all in one spot, during one time for your enjoyment. Don’t have a box or bag to carry your choices home in? No worries, we have your back.

There were 1400 people at the Grand Opening of the Library Extension in June. If you were NOT one of those and have not come to the Library since then, this is your chance to combine your visit with the Library Fair.

Come see what is waiting for you.