About 200 people came to the “Soup Bowl” dinner at the school cafeteria on March 15 and enjoyed three types of delicious scratch-made soup made by our school chef, Zach Holley, in handmade bowls they selected from an array made by our Farm to Classroom kids, Crow Valley Pottery  and other Island Potters.

This amazing event was all the idea of and dedicated efforts by Mary Jane Elgin. together with Penny Sharp Sky, Rose Marie Altberg, Sharon Ho, Chelea Cates, Evan Allred; and, of course, Mandy Randolph and about 80 kids in grades 3 through 6 in her Farm to Classroom Project.   Their collective energy raised almost $1,800!     That will buy a lot of fruits and vegetables for school lunches and Farm to Classroom projects!

I want to personally and gratefully thank everyone … those who put this wonderful event together, made and donated bowls, and those who came and so generously gave to the cause.   Because of you, this community, our Farm to Cafeteria Program, which includes the school garden, the classroom, the cafeteria and our incredible farms, will continue to grow and make huge changes in the lives and health of our Island kids!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Madie Murray, Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program