Throughout the community we have heard comments such as, “the school hasn’t taken care of their buildings in the past, what says they will now” or “there’s too much fluff in the bond, does OISD really need that much money to repair and replace current buildings.”  We are writing to say “YES” our schools need this bond – we need the community to vote YES!

My kindergarten classroom, in the current elementary building has not had hot water all year.  The heating system begins each day blowing warm air, but by about 10:00 a.m. the air turns cold and stays cold until the system shuts down at around 3:30 p.m. each day.  The elementary building needs a complete overhaul of the heating system and the plumbing.  These systems will only be replaced if we pass the bond in August.

The administration, school board, architects and various community members have put lots of energy into researching this bond proposal.  We appreciate their expertise and agree with their findings.  Thank you to all for the time and energy they have put into pursuing the success of this bond.  Our children need these school improvements.  We need schools that are safe, have hot water, and functional heat.  Our children need the community to rally and vote YES for our upcoming school bond!

Lorena and Dimitri Stankevich