A yes vote for Proposition One on the August 7, 2012 ballot is a vote for public safety. Increased revenue is needed to maintain current levels of Public Safety and Justice services in San Juan County. Despite five years of cuts in county budgets and severe cuts in staffing, county revenues are projected to fall $3.6 million short over the next 3 years. Until now, cuts to the sheriff’s department and to the criminal justice services have been minimized. But without increased revenue, these essential public services will be cut in ways that affect our quality of life.

The proposed 30 cents increase per $100 in sales would fund current levels of Public Safety and Justice services in our islands. A sales tax increase will raise revenue from both residents and visitors. Our population approximately doubles during the tourist season. The surge in visitors results in increased pressure on the sheriff’s department and on the justice department. Most drugs and groceries would not be taxed. The sales tax would not apply to auto sales. This increase in the sales tax is the best way to stabilize funding for our county’s public safety and justice services because visitors will contribute as well as residents. No statements against this increase in sales tax have been made despite attempts to add a Con view to the Proposition One ballot.

Vote Yes for Public Safety and Justice. Vote Yes for Proposition One.

Janet Alderton
Orcas Island