Last year, in our Elementary School, an EMT was unable to use water from the drinking fountain to clean a student’s wound. It was unsafe. Children and teachers wore coats in classrooms all winter. The ventilation system produced dirty, not clean fresh air.

Our School Board stepped up, won a $900,000 matching grant to pay half, hoping Orcas voters would approve a $900,000 loan to do the repairs during the summer to allow the children to return to a safe school. A large group of residents encouraged the Board to obtain the loan and many generous residents have committed to raise $100,000 to help offset that loan. Orcas Island is not a third world country.

Proposition 1 is not a $35 million or a $27 million levy to rebuild the schools. It covers only the absolutely necessary repairs to the Elementary School. It will be a ONE TIME ONLY, 1 YEAR LEVY of less than $100 for a $350,000 house – $0.28 per $1000 of assessed valuation. It would have been twice that if our School Board had not acted promptly and creatively to  provide a safe, healthful environment for our children.

Vote YES on Proposition 1 and mail your ballot before November 8.

Andrea Hendrick