Hi everyone,

This is an invitation to attend the opening reception this Friday evening, Feb 4, 5:30 to 7 pm, for the new art show at the Orcas Center. The question asked by the title of the show, “Is it Art?” definitely needs to be answered “Yes!” I couldn’t tear myself away today after dropping off my 2+ art pieces, which are both mixed media and a departure from anything I’ve shown (or done) before. In the show, curated by Joe Floren, there is lots of wonderful art, most of it different from traditional painting and photography. Everything from fun recycled stuff to artist books to beautifully crafted furniture, plus work by Susan Osborn, Maria Papademetriou, George Post, Siouxie Duncan, Sadie Bailey, Susan Slapin, Martin Taylor, and Floren, to name some of the artists, with a few artistic crafted pieces from other cultures, and more.  If you can’t come Friday, of course, the art will be up through March 1.

Overlapping the last half hour of the reception is the film The Economics of Happiness, shown at Odd Fellows at 6:30 pm (Fri. Feb. 4), said to be a powerful documentary on the strategy of “going local” to help “repair our ecosystems, our societies, and ourselves.” Among the featured notables are Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, and David Korten. I don’t know who’s sponsoring it and I saw just a couple of posters around town, so spread the word. Reviews include: “A powerful film that cuts deeply to the heart of the global crisis” ––David Suzuki;    “A must-see film for the future of the planet.” –– UK parliament member.  https://www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org/

Finally, I’d like to let you know there’s an art show at the Senior Center this month, and it’s quite nice as well. The theme is “Frogs, Forest, Ferns, and Fungus”, and there are mostly paintings and photos of all these, with a few Frank Loudin works and some 3-dimensional frogs. I put three photos of my own in the show and one of my daughter Elli Blaine’s too. There’s no reception, but drop by during open hours (9 to 4 weekdays) during February to check it out.

Thanks, Anita Holladay

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