Who is Trust Islanders! ?

Friends have asked, “who is Trust Islanders!” A more relevant question is “Why Trust Islanders!” as the answer is more revealing.

Trust Islanders! believes that:

  • Trust creates a much more interesting and expansive place to live than the one created by Fear. Trust allows the human spirit to unfold in playful and creative ways, while Fear smothers the creative spark and leads the individual (and community) into a very small box in which to reside.
  • Fear never runs out of preventative solutions as it always sees the next crisis just around the corner.
  • Fear always looks outside(off island) for guidance, while Trust looks within for solutions.
  • Fear always sees a problem before one exists, whereas Trust creates an opening for creativity that is ready if a problem appears.
  • Fear seeks controls, whereas Trust allows for personal liberties.
  • Fear leads a community into darkness and depression, while Trust creates an opening for light to enter.
  • Fear causes people to gather into mental herds, whereas Trust values the individual qualities of each human being and encourages their thoughts to expand freely.
  • Fear sees lack, while Trust creates bounty.

Throughout history, many societies have allowed themselves to be controlled by Fear. If we allow Fear to prevail, we put at risk the spirit which creates the “charm” within our island community.

The County Council election on April 23 is very important. Whatʼs at stake is no less than a classic battle between Trust and Fear. Trust Islanders! envisions a community supported by Trust.

What will you support with your vote? Trust or Fear?

We’re Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents plus none of the above. Above all, we are islanders.

Trust Islanders! envisions a San Juan County Council that is non-partisan and will represent the interests of Islanders before all other interests. We are organized to advocate for a County Council that:

  • Trusts its fellow Islanders
  • Listens to the local constituency
  • Treats Islanders as people
  • Respects individual privacy
  • Is transparent to its citizens
  • Supports local business
  • Supports the Islands before all other interests
  • Is fiscally responsible
  • Uses peer reviewed science to craft good environmental law
  • Is non-partisan
  • Believes Islanders can and do protect the environment
  • Considers Islanders to be part of a balanced ecosystem
  • Encourages Islanders to trust and support each other


Royce Meyerott /San Juan Island