I just returned home from the Theatre. I can’t often say that. Not that I don’t go to the theatre often. I have been going to, creating, performing in, writing for, teaching, etc., theatre all my life. It’s just that there’s ‘Theatre’ and there’s ‘theatre’. Normally, or hopefully, we go to the theatre to experience Theatre, but mostly we return home having experienced ‘theatre.’

Well, I just returned home having experienced ‘Theatre.’ And I am very grateful for the experience. I just saw “Tracers” at The Grange. I did not want to go. It was Dreary today, Saturday, if you recall, and I had nothing But reasons to stay home, except for a feeling that I really Needed to go. And I’d told Gillian Smith that I would come. So I went.

And I experienced Theatre. The young men in the cast, untrained and inexperienced, were, each and every one, flawless. I found myself in that magical place of, utter belief in what I was seeing, and emotional connection to each character. Not a false note was struck by anyone at anytime and even if it had, the others would have shifted in such a way as to make it work. In other words the thing was alive on the stage. The men were in actual relationships with each other and their connection to one another seems to have given them an incredible ease and trust of one another so that they appeared perfectly relaxed, in the moment, spontaneous and true. Needless to say, it was profoundly affecting. I felt high afterwards. It was Theatre.

Jane Alden