OPALCO is celebrating 75 years of providing safe reliable electrical service to our Islands.

I am personally very pleased to be part of the Broadband project to provide networked communications services for our members. This project echoes the community spirit that first created this Cooperative 75 years ago. The Broadband project is important to the sustainability of our island economy and benefits our community by providing necessary safety, economic, and educational opportunities.

We are also working to develop initiatives for enhanced Energy Efficiency programs to save us all money on our bills.

I find these projects exciting, and I’m proud to be associated with our progressive local cooperative that serves our communities so well.

The OPALCO board positions are decided by County-wide elections. All members get to vote for all Board positions. This year the district 2 board positions are up for election. You can vote using the mail in paper ballot which all members receive, the method used for the past 75 years, or, for the first time, you can go online to opalco.com and use the link on the front page to go to the secure site to cast your vote. Your paper ballot contains your OPALCO Member Number and your Election Passcode at the top. You can also vote in person at the Annual meeting celebrating 75 years of service on the ferry on Saturday May 5.

I am running to retain my position on the Board. I intend to ensure that OPALCO continues its fine tradition of providing great electrical service to our communities, and also expands to serve the community in other areas that make economic and environmental sense, such as Broadband communications and enhanced Energy Efficiency programs.

I’d appreciate your vote of confidence to continue what we have been achieving.

Thank you for your support.

Chris Thomerson