I want to thank everyone who joined us last Saturday the 13th, during our picnic to celebrate 20 years in our current building. Everyone seemed to have such a good time with the music, pulled-pork and coleslaw, kids’ games, and door prizes, that we are going to consider celebrating our milestones more often! Incidentally, along with our building anniversary, this is also the 25th anniversary of the Orcas Island Library District.

I also want to thank the people who helped to make it such a success—and will apologize in advance for anyone I missed.

The Lions Club provided tents, food, and the beer garden (especially Mike Jonas, Toby Hiller, Jim Biddick, Leif, Mac Trunkey, Kim Rose, Grant Stone, Loreen Arnold, and John Lofland).

Our dedicated Library staff members all worked hard on every aspect of the event: Kathleen Lunde, Holly King, Karen Hiller, Martin Arnold, Nita Couchman, Mary Pugh, and Tony Ghazel.

Some of our volunteers included Steve Jehly, Evan and Jimmy King, Perry Pugh, Tim Lunde, Lori Arnold, and Pierrette Guimond.

Morgan Meadows painted faces, and NAPA donated and operated the bouncy house.

Our musicians included Lisa and Emy Carter, Kellen Comrie, and Madi Jane West.

Tom Welch gave a succinct and entertaining summary of library services on Orcas Island, starting early in the 20th Century.

Also, our current Library Trustees, Donna Riordan, Rachel Newcombe, Margaret Payne, and Tom Fiscus, helped to serve food and welcome attendees, as well as saying a few words about Trustee Alan Lichter, who recently passed away, and whom we greatly miss.

Soon, we plan to schedule further events, both regular programming such as J.A. Jance on August 7, and focus groups and other opportunities to help us to better understand how strongly the community will support a project to add onto our building.

Also, please join us at the Friends’ Library Fair on August 10, which this year will take place on the Library grounds.

Phil Heikkinen, Library Director