Dear Editor,

On November 3rd, approximately 450 citizens attended the Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) scoping hearing – an unprecedented number for one day of environmental action in our community.

Together we stood up to protect the Salish Sea from the impacts of coal export. 85 people gave oral testimony (only 3 of these comments were project supporters). Concerned citizens outnumbered the GPT proponents by more than 20 to 1 at the hearing. The paid GPT supporters stuck a lot of signs in the ground around the school that day, but it was telling to see a line of hundreds of people, wearing red in “no coal” solidarity, relishing in our community, standing next to the unmanned GPT plastic signs. We have the people power.

This has been a true team effort. I, and FRIENDS of the San Juans, would like to thank those of you who attended the hearing as well as the Orcas and Lopez NO COALitions – volunteers who are working tirelessly on this issue. We are honored to be part of this
community-wide, interisland partnership – together, we are making a difference.

Katie Fleming, Friends of the San Juans