Dear Fellow Islanders,

This is a letter of thanks for Margie Doyle, Lin McNulty and Orcas Issues.

Their dedication to getting Orcas issues out in the open, explored by community journalists, is gold to us — witness the recent months of coverage of Orcas Recycling Services’ efforts to secure the County contract on behalf of Orcas residents, present and future.  The extensive coverage, available only on Orcas Issues,  was central to citizens’ abilities to understand the issues and to communicate meaningfully with our representatives about our preferences, needs and desires.

For that daily gold, Orcas Issues has asked for nothing from us, yet we are tremendously in their debt. As this year comes to an end, I ask that we all make a contribution to Orcas Issues, acknowledging how much this quality journalistic effort is truly worth in our daily lives as islanders.

Happy holidays!
Susan Malins