Andrew Staupe and CheE Yun perform at the Moran Mansion Music Room

Find here a small thank you note for a hugely successful 3rd Annual Leaves of Gold Concert. This annual fundraising concert helps to support the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival’s artistic leadership as well as music education in the schools and community.

Violinist Chee-Yun and pianist Andrew Staupe performed soaring repertoire in a space meant for just such sound. Thank you to Jerry and Jan Barto for hosting the Leaves of Gold Concert and After-Party at Rosario Resort. Jerry praised the evening by saying, “If Mr. Moran could only be here at this moment – he would feel proud of his Music Room.”

One hundred forty-five concert guests joined Concert Sponsors Cynthia and Sam Coleman, Artists’ Sponsors Carol Marcin and Tom Burg, Martha Farish and Joe Cohen plus Home Hosts Birthe and John Gorton and Barbara Bentley and Glenn Prestwich to create the support necessary for success.

Leslie Ginnis’ house design, Patty Monaco’s publications, and Wade Campbell’s graphics were elegantly presented. Mary Poletti, Anita Holladay, Faith and John Heath guided guests to each venue in the Mansion. John Ginnis, Grant Stone and Bruce Parker – you are the best event engineers imaginable. No concert of this kind can do without the Page Turner: thank you Patty Johnson.

Islands’ Sounder, BullWings, and the Chamber of Commerce alerted the community; KING FM broadcasts anticipated the program. Rosario staff are outstanding: Christopher Peacock, Jolene Versailles, chefs and wait staff.

From beginning to end, Festival Office Manager Joyce Stone was essential. Everyone had a fabulous time, generously supported the Festival, and were the very first to hear announcements of the upcoming 15th Season and December Salon Concert by Jon Kimura Parker (the 29th…call soon!)

Thank you, each one.

Victoria Parker, Executive Director

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival