The 4th has come to an end and the Orcas Island Lions Club would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s fundraiser, the Annual Salmon BBQ. This year while the numbers were down by about 100 dinners we still managed to serve 427 adult dinners. All money after expenses from the dinner goes back to the community in the Clubs support for sight and hearing projects. Through a generous arrangement with Chris White the Lions Club this past year was able provide glasses to 12 persons in need and carry out one cataract surgery. We are currently assisting in a second surgery as well and assisting an island senior in obtaining hearing aids. These programs aid islanders that do not have the income or insurance to once again take an active role in our community.
The Lions would like to thank the following sponsors for helping with this year’s event: Coastal Cold Storage of Petersburg, Alaska (Fish), American Legion Post 93(Grounds), Orcas Senior Center (Ovens), Island Hardware and Supply (Parade Truck), San Juan Sanitation (Dump Bins), Country Corner (Ice), Kay’s Antiques and Cherri Lindholm Real Estate (Ticket Sales), and Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, Islanders Sounder and Orcas Issues (Publicity). I would also like to thank all the Lions and the Spouses/Significant Others/Partners without whose help this event would never have happened. And lastly, to all of those who brought tickets to the event and helped the Orcas Island Lions Club to continue to give back to our island community.
For information on the Lions Club, and for an opportunity to join and give back to the community, visit our Web Site: or call: 376-2488.
Jim Biddick
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