Dear Editor,

I heartily endorse Chris Sutton as a candidate for the School Board. Chris brings considerable experience in technology and business, a great educational background at Orcas High School where he graduated at the top of his class, and at the University of Washington, a deep and abiding commitment to the Orcas community,  a strong sense of family with two young children (one of whom is already a student in the Orcas 2nd grade) to the position as a member of the School Board.
He is a sophisticated and knowledgeable.  He understands the issues. He will prove to be an excellent member of the board.

As a retiring member of the board, I am most hopeful that Chris Sutton will be elected to the seat I have vacated.  I urge everyone to vote for Chris Sutton to this important position.


Charlie Glasser,
Member of the Orcas Island School Board