This month we are reaching out to donors to help with two different needs at the school. The first need is to help fund more hours for our incredible music teachers so that there may separate the middle school and high school band and strings programs. Because of budget cuts, these two levels of students will now be in a combined class.  As Moana Kutsche smartly commented, “It’s like putting Algebra One students with a Calculus class.”

The other need is to help re-open our school library.  Like so many districts struggling with dwindling state and federal funding, the school library program is often one of the first cuts made to a budget. That is the case with our school library as well.

But the reason for my letter is to point to the leadership of our students in wanting to bring back both music and the library to our schools. I am awed, and humbled, at their commitment to both programs. On September 12th, 11 string students, and two alumni, performed their hearts out at an amazing concert to raise money for the music program.

And what about Arla Sutton who sold brownies, and Jefferson Freeman who sold eggs only to turn around and donate their earnings to re-open the library? Then there is Trevor Faulkner – third grader: “When Trevor found out the future of the library was uncertain, he jumped into action to save his favorite place at school,” says his mom Cathy.  Trevor set aside a portion of his summer allowance to help keep the library open. His parents matched his $61 – all because Trevor knows “the library is a treasured asset and must remain open.”

Now you can join in the effort to fund more music programming, or to reopen the school. Like Arla, Jefferson, and Trevor – students are selling wrapping paper through the Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF). All the proceeds OIEF receives will go to help re-open the library. Please, please think of the upcoming holiday months and stock up on wrapping paper. You can even shop online to: — our school # is 101251.

And if you want to just give to either the “School Music Matters” or “Unwrap the Library” campaign you can go online to: (click the “Donate” button). You can also send a check to OIEF, P.O. Box 782, Eastsound, WA  98245.

Finally, my awe and humility not only extend to our creative and giving students, but to you, the community, for all the support and generosity you consistently extend to our schools.  I thank all of you for your kindness.

Janet Brownell
On behalf of the Orcas Island Education Foundation Board