Dear Editor,

I am writing to say how willingly I am voting for Jamie Stephens as County Council Member for District 3. I have known Jamie for several years in one capacity or another. What I like best about him are the many ways in which he is involved in his community. Over time he has been a part of, and occasionally the chair of, various community organizations, including the Family Resource Center, the Water Association and the Community Land Trust. He and his wife have raised their family in the islands so it was natural for him to get involved with his neighbors and fellow islanders. In addition he cares deeply about the environment in which he lives, the community where he has made his home, and the future environment in which his children will live.

Now that he has been a Council Member for two years he has a track record which voters can look at. Not everyone will agree with all of his decisions, but that is always true in the cases of public officials. The overall picture I get is of a thoughtful, informed legislator, responsive to the concerns of his constituents and willing to delve into the details of the measures before the Council. He is collaborative and willing to listen to all sides of an issue. In addition he spends time in Olympia representing our county at the state level. He takes his job seriously, the easy parts and the hard parts of it. I think Jamie is the kind of person we want on our County Council.

Sarah Crosby
Friday Harbor