The 2010 Census is underway.  I urge you to participate as a complete count will benefit our community greatly.  Census data is used to allocate state and federal funds.  It is estimated that each individual counted may qualify our community for an additional $3,900 in annual support.  In 2000, San Juan County was estimated to have one of the lowest compliance rates in the state with 38%.   Our community cannot afford such a low count this time around.

Additionally, Washington State is slated to gain a seat in the US House of Representatives based on this year’s census data.  The census count will determine which district gains that seat.  Your participation in the count will have a direct impact on that decision.

Forms are being hand delivered by census enumerators beginning March 2.  If you are not home, the forms will be left on your door.  If for some reason you do not receive a form, copies will be available at the public library.  Please make the effort to complete the census.  You count!

Hilary Canty
Olga, WA