The PTSA is proud to have sponsored our schools’ participation in this year’s Scripps Spelling Bee.  Many students participated in an after school Spelling Club for the last several months, learning words, strategies and taking part in mock bees. The Fourth through Eight Graders took part in class bees in mid-January to select 22 qualifiers to the school bee, which took place, Jan. 29th.  Congratulations to Dylan Thompson, the 2010 Orcas Island School District Spelling Champion, and to Anthony Kaskurs, the Runner-Up. Dylan will represent our school at the Regional Competition in Mt. Vernon, March 13th. Both received a one-year subscription to Brittanica Online Student Edition from Scripps.
Special thanks to Tim Hance for his vision and drive in making this year’s bee a reality. Many thanks to donors All Islands Inspections, Enzo’s, Islanders’ Bank, The Office Cupboard, Stoltz/Kau Architects, Teezer’s, West Beach Resort and White Construction Co. for their generous support of the bee in the form of prizes for the winner and runner-up, making the winner’s trip to the regional bee (March 13 in Mt. Vernon) an expense paid  proposition. Thanks to the many spelling club and bee volunteers: Jennifer Pietsch, Jonathan White, Kristen Wilson, Liz Hance, Bob Connell, Sarah Lyle, Kate Long and Sheila Veldman, and to the community members who donated their time to be Judges/Pronouncers at the Bee: Nita Couchman, Lance Evans, Jenny Pederson and Chris Sutton, and to Principal Kyle Freeman for his support and expert job emceeing the event.  Most of all, thanks to the many wonderful spellers at our school for studying, improving and enjoying the f-u-n of spelling!

Barb Skotte, PTSA President