To the Editor-
What great news that Senator Ranker was able to secure $1 million dollars for our school district’s capital needs. I greatly appreciate his efforts on behalf of Orcas.  

Thanks also are due to School Board member Janet Brownell, who, in her role as legislative liaison, kept Senator Ranker up to speed on OISD issues and the recent School Building Rehabilitation Drive that was led by Marilyn Anderson.

Marilyn and eighteen generous neighbors joined together to contribute $100,000 through the Community Foundation to the school district for capital repairs earlier this year. Their donations have come back to the community tenfold, as Senator Ranker noted that this show of community support helped secure the additional $1 million.  

Thanks to all who helped bring this to fruition. It is a remarkable and much needed success story for our school and our community.

Hilary Canty
Orcas Island Community Foundation