We are hoping you join us in voting “YES” for the $11.9 million construction school bond on your November ballot.

In early 2011, the school board engaged local building professionals, lead by contractor Clyde Duke, to examine the middle school classrooms, the library, the cafeteria/music rooms, OASIS classrooms, and woodshop (CTE) space to see how these thirty year old structures could be saved in order to save cost. In conjunction with the advice of Mahlum architect and local Orcas resident, Butch Reifert, a recommendation was made to the school board to rehabilitate these buildings to correct seismic, ADA, and health/safety issues.

Outdated classrooms will also be improved for better learning.  It was recommended to use existing foundations, and as well as replace hard-to-maintain building materials with those that are newer, lower-maintenance, and more efficient. This rehabilitation will save on energy consumption immediately reducing energy costs.

The bond on the November ballot reflects the recommendation of the local building professionals.

Now to cost: bond rates are historically low there is no better time to build.  This new bond will replace the capital levy expiring next month.  Your property taxes for this new bond will stay the same as the retiring levy, but will extend for 20 years.

For more information on the bond, we hope you will visit: www.orcasforhealthysafeschools.com.  Or visit us on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/VoteYesForThe1980sSchoolBond

Please vote YES for the school bond – it is the right time to do right for our Orcas Island schools.

Lisa Bronn
Janet Brownell
Velma Doty
Clyde Duke
Cathy Ferran
Wally Gudgell
Kate Long
Madie Murray
Patricia Slabaugh