I was hoping the campaign for Commissioner of Eastsound Sewer & Water District Position 5 (the position I have held since 2009) would be an honest evaluation of the District’s current and future needs as they were addressed at the recently held League of Women Voters candidate speaker’s program.

Instead, however, my opponent for this position, Roger Adams, chooses to make false and personally accusatory statements in the media which, in my opinion, serves no purpose for the District going forward.

To alleviate the rhetoric and confusion, I have created a web site, ElectSauer.com, where those wishing to know the facts in comparison to what Adams is asserting –along with supporting documentation — as well as the truth about me and my vision for the District’s future, can be found.

I hope anyone reading this response will visit the site and vote according to how YOU feel the District and your needs will be best served.

Rollie Sauer
Eastsound Water & Sewer District