Thank you SO much to everyone who contributed to the Rutledge Family Benefit Auction at Rosario Resort. It was incredible to see the turn out and support for Peter and his family. From donors to bidders, islanders were unbelievably generous. What a special place to call home.

We raised over $19,000.00 at the auction and the Orcas Island Golf Course made over $1,100 at their benefit golf tournament. In addition, numerous donations from churches, the school, and individuals were made that were unable to make the actual event.

Grand total is well above $20,000.00!

Pretty darn AMAZING for this little island of ours. I wish Peter could have experienced the love we all have for him and how important his recovery is to so many people. I spoke with Peter and he was simply in disbelief and so touched. A huge heartfelt THANK YOU to you all!

With gratitude,

Elisa Wiscomb & The Rutledge Family