Updated Aug. 4 at 10:30 p.m.

In response to the continued negative campaigning by S. Vierthaler and others:


It really is quite simple.

If the people of this county want accountability from their Sheriff’s Department in the form of quarterly reports to the County Council and through a Citizens’ Advisory Committee, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

If the people of this county want a Sheriff who will skillfully and effectively go after drug traffickers that are targeting our children, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

If the people of this county want to preserve, or possibly increase, the number of deputies on the street through increasing our Reserve Officer Corps, tight budget management, and Federal grants available for this purpose, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

If the people of this county want the benefits of increased training that will keep our deputies current on the constantly changing, judicially imposed requirements regarding how law enforcement agencies must execute searches and other complex challenges, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

If the people of this county want a Sheriff’s Department that works closely with schools, the medical community, community groups, and other law enforcement agencies to address the issue of crimes related to drug use, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

It really is that simple. What it all comes down to is this: if the voters like the way things are, they will vote for someone else. If the citizens of this county want to move forward and actually address the issues that are affecting this county, they will vote for Jeff Asher.

Jeff Morris
Orcas Island

Editor’s note: Jeff Morris of Orcas Island is not the same Jeff Morris who is Speaker Pro Tem of the Washington State Legislature and the incumbent candidate for the Legislature.

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