— by Art Lange —

I support Randy Gaylord for Prosecuting Attorney because has demonstrated exceptional leadership during his many years in that position. He has continued to advocate for the rights of the members of our community and for environmental protection of our islands. Just two examples: Randy has been a leader in protecting the rights of victims of crimes and in protecting our environment and our quality of life including many land use cases and protection of Orca whales. In addition, he has held leadership positions as president of the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and the Washington Association of County Officials, which in both cases increased his knowledge and expertise as our prosecuting attorney.

Randy has the personal qualities of an exceptional leader: honesty, integrity, passion, compassion, creativity, pride in his work. He brings energy, experience, wisdom and talent to this important position.

Today, it is critical that we elect to public office: a) someone who is genuinely committed to serving all the people they represent, b) someone whose motives we can trust, c) someone who understands what their position requires of them and has demonstrated the ability to serve the members of their community well.

Randy Gaylord has consistently demonstrated these leadership qualities time and again in many challenging legal contexts. He will continue to serve us well with our support.