I don’t usually write letters to the editor nor do I take a public position on candidates for office. But I am making an exception for Lovel Pratt because I have worked with her for many years in a broad variety of venues and never failed to be impressed with her thoroughness, community commitment and willingness to just do the work.

From the Home Trust start up, to county management, to broader state issues, Lovel has always been ready to dig in and do the hard work.  Due to her willingness and effectiveness, she was nominated by the last county council to be on our state legislative steering committee, engaged not only in county business but in broader state issues that would affect us all. She made the arduous weekly trips to Olympia for several years, not just attending the meetings, but establishing good working relationships in hallways and developing serendipitous contacts that ultimately solved serious county problems, getting things done that others only complained about.

As a member of the WA State Asso. of Counties Oil Spill work group, she has worked to be proactive with various ocean pollution sources and concerns.  In the past two years, most of the county council letters to the state senate, house and officials have been drafted by Lovel. She makes sure that Olympia knows we are here and she makes sure that our issues get addressed. Without Lovel on the council, that role is now largely unfilled.  Even among those who don’t always see eye to eye with her on all issues, Lovel is respected for putting in the effort and not giving up on difficult cases.

We need more than another nice guy on our council in this critical transition…we need someone who does the work.

Joanruth Baumann
Friday Harbor