To the Editor:

Tim [Blanchard] has already responded to the material misstatements about him made in Mr. Dehlendorf’s latest blast.

I write primarily to question Mr. Dehlendorf’s math. Barbara Dehlendorf, Stephen Adams and Robert Gamble, all Planning Commissioners, are also members of the Friends of the San Juans, or at least are shown as such in the most recent public listing of Friends’ members. Therefore, if we are keeping count, the “stacked deck” of 3-0 about which Mr. Dehlendorf complains is actually 3-3, plus another three appointees whose social and political associations may be more palatable to Mr. Dehlendorf. To take action, the Planning Commission must support a motion by 5-4 or better.

The Friends filed an administrative appeal “against the County” several days before CSA filed its, and the Friends has a long history of suing the County. Therefore, if one accepts Mr. Dehlendorf’s proposition that citizens who are members of an organization that sues the County are precluded from service on County Boards and Commissions, then the Planning Commission, the MRC, the ARC, and the Stewardship Network—among others– will all soon be looking for members.

Finally, the Planning Commission position vacancy about which Mr. Dehlendorf complains was not only routinely listed on the County’s website consistent with standard procedure, but the website also includes the end-of-term dates for all Commission appointees, and it was therefore plainly apparent to anyone interested that the Orcas position was coming open in 2013.

Peg Manning, Orcas

(Ms. Manning is Mr. Blanchard’s law partner and spouse.)