I have noted with dismay that one of the problem-solving tactics of the San Juan County Council to the current budget crisis is the truncation and division of the current County Development and Planning Department (SJC CDP0.

John Manning, currently overloaded Human Services head, will do part of the work of Ron Henrickson, now departed.

Pete Rose, no experience or credentials in planning, will do part of Ron’s work.

As one who has dealt with the past oversights of whatever the office used to be called, now the county is faced with the fact that two things are evident: 1) the tactic of ‘it’s easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission’ will blossom anew regarding breaches of the UDC and planning documents; 2) all of us who have properties bordering other properties (and isn’t that everyone in the county) will need to be super-diligent when our abutters decide to do something on their property.

Foremost, we need to be apprised of what those ‘things’ might be, so that we can object if they don’t meet current standards. In the past, this has not always been the case. That takes people who work at desks doing paperwork, however onerous.

We can’t dismiss all those who help uphold the laws we’ve passed and expect others not to take advantage of those empty desks.
Be vigilant!

Bea vonTobel
Orcas Island

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