Have you noticed the nasty political attacks coming from blogs on the right? Now there¹s a PAC (Political Action Committee). Their ad states that they are “non-partisan.” Yet the PAC was first announced on the SJC Republican website:

googleusercontent.com/search?=cache/sjcrp.org/new-pac-of-interest-for-our-county-council-elections  [Editor’s note: this link is a “snapshot” of a March 9 article published on the San Juan County Republican site  — sjcrp.org]

Who is funding this new Republican supported “Trust Islanders?” This PAC doesn’t appear to be listed yet with the Public Disclosure Commission. But, the Republican Party’s site makes it clear that this PAC is devoted to raising money and spending big bucks to make sure the three candidates not endorsed by the Democrats win this race.

How is this not a Republican endorsement? How is this non-partisan?

Meanwhile, the letters to the editors and the bloggers just keep on telling us how we’re all supposed to keep quiet and be good little non-partisan candidates and voters.

The County’s Prosecuting Attorney has repeatedly stated the Charter only mandates the election itself be non-partisan. Meanwhile, the candidates are free to be endorsed. The Parties (and anyone else) are free to give their endorsements. It’s called free speech. That’s how it works in all the other Charter counties in Washington State that have non-partisan elections.

So please quit the posturing and just drop the fig leaf already.

Howie Rosenfeld
Friday Harbor