Esteemed County Council members,

Thank you for your vote of confidence in ORS at Tuesday’s County Council meeting.

We understand that you are entrusting to us and our partners a set of services that are absolutely vital to the County. We are honored to be given this opportunity and responsibility and we will carry it forward with efficacy, diligence, integrity and transparency. In addition to maintaining and creating local jobs, this decision opens up a wealth of opportunities for bringing to bear innovative, community-based programs and resources in moving beyond waste.

We recognize that this decision is part of your collective legacy as members of the County Council and we will do you proud; we will not fail you or our fellow citizens. We look forward to working with the current and future County Councils, with our counterparts on the other islands, and with all members of our island communities in making the County’s system for managing garbage and maximizing material recovery and reuse the best it can be, bringing the greatest benefit to all residents of the San Juans.

Thank you for all of the time and consideration you have put into this RFP process and, more broadly, for your service to the County.

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays,

The ORS Board of Directors and Executive Director

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