Esteemed County Council members,

Some of the information provided in the staff report submitted by Public Works regarding the[Orcas Island Transfer Station (OITS) RFP on November 14th is not accurate or up-to-date.  We would like to provide you with the correct information.

1) Financial backing: The amount of financial backing stated in the report is $150,000.  The correct amount is $200,000 . [names of financial backers redacted].  In addition to these pledges, ORS has $40,000 in savings that will be used for start-up costs; this brings the total financial resources at the disposal of ORS to $240,000.

2) The ORS “Commercial” rate in Table Two:  To date, ORS has not proposed a different tip fee rate for commercial customers, but rather has simply set this fee rate the same as the “Self-haul / ton” rate (i.e. $300/ton); this said, should a different rate for commercial customers be deemed prudent, then the fee rate for this customer group will be set during contract negotiations.

It is also worth emphasizing that ORS, like some County Council members, has yet to be convinced that a split contract scenario is economically and socially viable due to the significantly higher cost to the end user.  ORS is prepared and committed to provide the full-range of solid waste and recycling services to Orcas and other islands at the lowest prices possible.  ORS now has letters of intent in hand from potential partners for all aspects of material transport and disposal involved in operating the Orcas Island Transfer Station, and has provided these to the County Council members and Public Works staff.  Furthermore, as we and others have noted, ORS operation of the Orcas Island Transfer Station will provide the greatest benefit to Orcas Island and the County as a whole through local jobs, the range of services offered to end users, and an operating principle based on moving beyond waste.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
The ORS Board of Directors and Executive Director