On Sunday, April 26th the fabulous, hard working staff at Camp Orkila hosted our Orcas Sixth Graders and their parents for a rich, family-learning workshop organized by our fantastic counselor Moriah Armstrong.  The evening began with a delicious meal served by the camp’s culinary staff and transitioned into learning activities led by the camp’s educational specialists.  It was a beautiful evening in a majestic setting, surrounded by people who are committed to the success of our children.

The event could not have happened without the generosity and community leadership of Camp Director Dimitri Stankevich.  The evening was not an isolated event.  It seems that Dimitri and his staff open the camp to our community on a weekly basis for an assortment of activities including educational presentations, team building events, team dinners, and most importantly, fun!

Thank you Dimitri and thank you Camp Orkila, you are a great gift to Orcas Island!

Kevin, Nancy, Keenan, Daniel, and Colin O’Brien

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