Orcas Recycling Services gives thanks for all our community supporters and partners.  Together with you, we have planned extensively for a locally owned and well-managed Orcas Solid Waste Transfer Station that will be sustainable, with a structure always governed by community representation.

Thank you also to the County Council, Public Works staff and members of the Vendor Selection Committee, for the tremendous amount of consideration and energy you have invested in this process.  Together we share the goal of offering excellent solid waste and recycling services to our citizens, at the most affordable rates possible.

The initial planning and negotiations phase of the ORS proposal to the County are now complete, and this is a brief update.  Orcas Recycling Services has satisfied all aspects of service and delivery suggested or requested by the County.  Under the ORS business model it will be financially feasible to reduce our solid waste and create robust self-hauling and recycling programs.  We are pleased and confident in the rates and services that have resulted.

It is our hope that the San Juan County Council will decide to award the Orcas Transfer Station contract to ORS.

Orcas Islanders understand the satisfaction and value of reducing, reusing and recycling.  Thirty years of consciousness-raising by The Exchange have prepared us well for the next step, to extend that philosophy to management of our entire waste stream.  We at ORS are energized by this opportunity to serve our people, our exquisite island and generations to come, in ways that matter.   You are invited to join in this great adventure, island style!

Best regards,

The ORS Board of Directors:  Pete Moe, Errol Speed, Jared Lovejoy, Michael Greenberg, Ian Harlow, Jeff Ludwig, Susan Malins