Orcas Recycling Services (ORS), the local non-profit organization recognized for its program “The Exchange,” submitted a detailed proposal to San Juan County last week for management of the Orcas Island Transfer Station beginning in October of this year. ORS proposes to continue and expand re-use options at The Exchange, as well as deliver quality and more affordable services at the Orcas Island Transfer Station.

The Orcas community deserves to have our own local non-profit organization in charge of managing our solid waste, with transparency and community responsibility central to the mission and operation. For over 30 years The Exchange has served Orcas at no charge to the public, successfully reducing, recycling, and reusing items on-island. We now propose a plan to also mediate the solid waste stream, with an end goal of “zero waste” on Orcas, in a manner that is both ecologically and financially sound, and eminently practical. Any financial resources derived from that waste stream will be kept within the Orcas community.

Orcas Recycling Services will present its proposal to the public in forums at the Orcas Fire Hall from 5:30-7:30 pm on Monday, July 23, and again on Friday, July 27 at 5:30-7:30. The purpose of these forums is to answer any questions islanders may have, to request everyone’s support, and to solicit input from the community. The County will be announcing their vendor selection on or before July 30.

Pete Moe, Chair of ORS Board of Directors