We write as community members to express concerns about the Charter Review Propositions on the upcoming ballot.

We urge you to vote “No” on both propositions 1 and 2, and here is why.

Charter Review Proposition 1 recommends that we switch to countywide elections. Countywide campaigns now cost about $50,000; our present elections by district make campaigning more affordable. How many can afford to run for office if it cost $50,000 to be a viable candidate? The money must be raised somewhere. To move to county wide campaigns could restrict campaigning to those supported by members of well-funded, well-organized special interest groups — and there are many in San Juan County of different persuasions. Many good potential candidates would not be able to run. This has already happened at the state level, and in Congress, where special interests influence legislation that is in their interests and not necessarily those of the people in the district.

We respect the Charter Review Commissioner’s work; but on Charter Review Propositions 1 and 2 we will be voting “No” to keep our elections more representative.


David Kobrin and Diane Berreth